Instructions for Camera Ready Manuscripts
The final
form of papers must strictly follow the Camera Ready Format. The style
files of LaTex and Microsoft Word have been e-mailed to the authors of
(conditionally) accepted papers and invited papers. Please
contact ISRR2007@ynl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp, if the
style files did not reach you. Note that
LaTex is strongly recommended by the publisher for better quality of type
setting of the proceedings. Although the standard length of a paper is ten
pages, two
extended pages are acceptable. The
revised version of (conditionally) accepted papers and the invited papers in camera-ready
format in PDF file are to be submitted at PAPER
SUBMISSION SITE: http://hosting1.confmaster.net/pages/login.php?Conf=ISRR using the same LOGIN name and PASSWORD that were created at the original paper submission for the (conditionally) accepted papers, and at the abstract submission for the invited papers.
This page is maintained by ISRR07-Secretary.